three-parameter method of the automated current sheet identification suggested
by Olga Khabarova’s team is employed (Khabarova et al., JGR, 2021). The Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) data are used to compute the
key parameters on which the method is based.
The data are obtained at https://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/ . We thank the PIs and data providers :
- H3 - ACE
Magnetic Field 1-Second Level 2 Data - N.Ness (Bartol Research Institute), and
Solar Wind Experiment 64-Second Level 2 Data - D. J. McComas (SWRI).
For 1 AU current sheet lists CLICK HERE
The plain text files contain information about the
current sheet location and the corresponding plasma and interplanetary magnetic
field (IMF) parameters:
1. date
(location of the current sheet pointed with the one-second resolution)
2. <|B|>,
nT (the IMF magnitude)
3. H_DENSITY_#/cc (the solar wind density, 1/cm^3)
4. SW_H_SPEED_km/s
(the solar wind proton speed, km/s)
(the radial component of the solar wind temperature, K)
Beta (the plasma
beta β)
7. VA (the Alfvén speed, km/s)
8. B_der
(the derivative of <|B|>)
Beta_der (the
β derivative)
10. VA/V_der
(the derivative of the Alfvén speed to the solar wind speed ratio)
The output_current_sheets_per_day.csv file contains the current sheet daily rate and the number of current sheets per day smoothed with a 27-day(point) Savitzky-Golay filter (the 3rd degree polynomial is used). Note that the averaged number of current sheets may show unnaturally decreased values on some days because of data gaps. For statistical aims, we recommend recalculate it, applying interpolation.
Important! If you employ the method and/or use the
current sheet database, please refer to the website and cite the
following article: Khabarova,
O., Sagitov, T., Kislov, R., & Li, G. (2021). Automated
identification of current sheets—A new tool to
study turbulence and intermittency in the solar wind. Journal of Geophysical
Research: Space Physics, 126, e2020JA029099. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JA029099

The 27-day smoothed current sheet daily rate for 1998-2008.